Episode #7: Friendships After Loss - A Conversation with Sheri Erickson


I met today’s guest, Sheri Erickson, through a mutual friend because we both had stories in our families of tragedy and loss. We struck up a quick friendship, and it amazed me how beautifully she viewed the passing from this life to what is next – and I knew I needed her on the podcast. 

Listen in on our conversation as Sheri’s shares stories of loss, we talk about how relationships and friendships change following a loss, and how she is now training to become an end-of-life Doula. 

Quote shared by Sheri at the end of today’s episode:

“In one sense there is no death. The life of a soul on earth lasts beyond his [or her] departure. You will always feel that life touching yours, that voice speaking to you, that spirit looking out of other eyes, talking to you in the familiar things he [or she] touched, worked with, loved as familiar friends. He [or she] lives on in your life and in the lives of all others that knew him [or her].” - Angelo Petri

References in this episode:

Episode #159 of ‘The Mel Robbins Podcast’, discussing frame of reference. https://www.melrobbins.com/podcasts/episode-159-copy-2

The Book “Grief: Day by Day’’, by Jan Warner. https://www.griefdaybyday.com/ 

If you have a topic or guest idea, I’d love to hear from you! To reach me, send me an email: val@thissidepodcast.com, or find me at “This Side of the Grass” on Facebook OR Instagram! 

#episode7 #friendshipsafterloss #griefdaybyday #deathdoula #endoflifedoula
#thisside #thissideofthegrass #thissidepodcast
#death #dying #grief #life #hope #passion #purpose #preparation

Proudly recorded and produced by DevineFox Productions!


Episode #8: Social Media


Episode #6: Witnessing Trauma